DIOK Dinner

We are pleased to inform you that you have been invited to attend the royal ball of your beloved Beauty and His Royal Highness the Beast. 

The king will provide a four course menu and all he wishes in return is €5 entrance fee (but it could get lower if he is in a good mood) and that you are all dressed to impress. His royal highness will not pay for your drinks as he knows some of you will drink him under the table in no time. Your king discriminates to none so of course all former Dukes and Duchesses are welcome!!!

Your hosts await your responds, so please RSVP via the Google form in our bio.

Before June 1st.

Yours truly💛, 

The Epic Chicks🐣

Yes, you read that right, the Annual DIOK Dinner is finally happening!! So to sum it all up, get your best dresses, suits and other fancy ware, as you can not be underdressed for a real Beauty and the Beast ball, and join us on June 11th 18:00 at for a royal feast and of course an awesome ball!!!


Jun 11 2022


18:00 - 23:55

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jun 11 2022
  • Time: 12:00 - 17:55