Renew membership

To remain a member of DIOK the following actions have to be taken.

In these steps, we assume that you have already filled in a registration form, and registered to DIOK through the Sports & Culture website. Is this not the case? Check out how to join DIOK.

  1. Buy a UnionCard or CampusCard
    You can buy one at Students and employees log in with their S- or M- accounts. Externals need to log in with the account created during registration. You need to have a UnionCard or CampusCard before you can register to the association. The prices of the UnionCard can be found here and for the CampusCard they can be found here.
  2. Pay the association fee (verenigingsheffing)
    You can also pay the association fee on the S&C website.
    IMPORTANT: currently it is not possible to pay the association fee via the S&C, you can still pay this at the front desk of the Sports Centre. It is still unclear when this can be resolved.
  3. Pay the club contribution
    The club contribution is withdrawn from your account through direct debit. You will be notified two weeks in advance when this happens. The description and prices for each membership type can be found here.

If you have any questions, please reach out via!