Student Trainers

As of the 2021 season DIOK saw the (re)introduction of student trainers in its trainer roster. For DIOK this means that currently all nylon trainings will be given by a student and all the feather trainings will be given by our professional trainer Daan Boelsma. However, this does not mean that the trainings given by student trainers will be any less then they were before. With the focus on student trainers also came some courses provided by the Sports Centre and practice sessions to educate on and prepare the student trainers for giving training. Next to this, Daan is actively involved in guiding our student trainers and to help provide a consistent feel to the trainings.

This also provides you, as a member of DIOK, with a unique opportunity: a structured environment to get used to giving instruction to a group of people. While you would be giving badminton trainings, the skills required for giving a successful training naturally transfer to other areas as well. If you are interested in becoming a student trainer (great by the way, we can always use more student trainers!), please contact the TC ( If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! You can once again contact the TC ( for any questions you might have or you can ask one of the student trainers about their experience.

  • Francisco Bindraban (Trainer Manager)
  • Wouter Couwenbergh
  • Niek van de Weerdhof
  • Nathan Pinto
  • Nathan van Daal
  • Vera Dierx
  • Eline Hoekstra
  • Scotty Boomkamp